Category: Python

  • Python Epsilon: How to Get the Value and Why is it Important?

    The term “epsilon” typically refers to a small positive number that is used to represent the difference between two floating-point numbers. It is often used in numerical computations to account for rounding errors and to compare two numbers for equality. In Python, the constant sys.float_info.epsilon represents the smallest positive float value that is greater than…

  • Easiest Way to Sort with Lambda in Python

    In Python, the lambda keyword is used to create small anonymous functions. These functions can be used wherever a function is expected, such as in a call to the built-in sorted() function. Here’s an example of how to use a lambda function with the sorted() function to sort a list of strings by their length:…

  • Explaining the Python % Sign: A Beginner’s Guide

    In Python, the percent sign (%) is used for string formatting as well as for modulo operations. String Formatting The % operator is used to format a string by replacing a placeholder in the string with a value. The placeholder is represented by a percent sign followed by one or more of these special characters:…